Ambassadors Nigel

Ever since my first ClickBid World event in Tulum, I was hooked! The networking within these events has always been top-notch!

Everyone I met is a high-level mover and shaker within affiliate marketing – most of whom I never heard of.

From Tulum to Ibiza, all the ClickBid venues have been second to none. The relaxed atmosphere combined with efficient networking events - keeps me hyped to attend the next one.

Since my first CBW experience, I have attended as many events as I can, spreading the word and inviting fellow colleagues within the affiliate marketing industry.

ClickBid World are the only events that make me feel like I’m part of a Family.

From event organizers to strangers, everyone has a welcoming vibe, and a feeling that we are together, not just to grow business, but to genuinely see each other succeed.

This is why I can’t wait to for the next event. Where will Enric and his great team take us next? And who will I meet? One this is for certain, I definitely want to find out!

Nigel Williams
CEO – Alota Media

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